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Apple is planning to launch 16K VR headset

Apple is planning to launch a 16K VR headset by 2020.According to the exclusive report from CNET, this headset can handles both AR and VR and it is more powerful than any other device in virtual reality.This wireless headset works with the combination of both the AR and VR technologies, says CNET. Sources also revealed that the headset will have an 8K display for each eye and will connect wirelessly to a PC tower-looking box running a new operating system and powered by a custom built 5nm processor.
apple,VR headset

Sources also revealed that the box would use a wireless technology known as 60GHz WiGig and the second generation version known as 802.11ay would boost speeds and range and make the technology more powerfull and attractive for high-end VR headsets.

The headset is reportedly code-named T288,the same code name Bloomberg attributed to an in- development AR headset late last year. We have also heard that Apple is planning to end its partnership with intel by 2020 and will completely focus on developing its own ARM-based processors .Although, Apple is good at making structured and efficient processors, but today its most advanced model is the 10-nanometer A11 Bionic processor in the iphone X and there is nothing like 5-nanometer in the market at present date.

So, does Apple have the potential to pull this off? Are we just being innocent, and is this actually where the whole industry will be in couple of years?
